In today's unwanted lifestyle and modern times, children fall into the wrong habits. He gets excited seeing things he doesn't see on his mobile and to remove his excitement, he masturbates, and gradually we get used to masturbating again and again. Today we are going to tell you about the harm caused by masturbation in this article.

Masturbating more makes you feel more tired. Due to excessive masturbation, energy is also extracted from our body in a large amount, and due to this, there is a lack of energy in the body. Because of that, along with tiredness, weakness also starts to feel.

If you masturbate a lot, your penis can also become swollen. Due to the pressure and friction of the hands and penis, swelling and mental damage can occur in the penis.

Masturbation weakens the penis, the effect of which is often seen in having sex. Excessive masturbation can cause the problem of premature ejaculation, and there is also the problem of hair loss.