Social media security is not only important for protecting your personal information, but it can also affect your personal and professional life. We are telling you some social media security tips that you can adopt to boost your online security. Use different strong passwords for different social media accounts and change your passwords regularly. Include alphabets, numbers, and special characters in the password.

You can keep your account more secure by using two-step verification. You need to enter another verification code along with the password that comes to your mobile device. Check your account privacy settings on the social media platform and ensure that only people you are connected with can see your posts. If you receive a message from an unknown person asking for your information or asking you to recover your account in the message, ignore such a message and ignore it.

Avoid clicking on any unknown link. This can protect you from phishing or malware. You should avoid sharing your personal information on social media. This can save you a lot of trouble. If you have small children at home, keep them away from social media access. It can be dangerous for them.

(pc amarujala)