It is very important to take special care of the skin in the summer season. Otherwise, the glow of the skin starts decreasing. Many times it happens that, due to lack of time, we are not able to continue with our skin treatment routine. Its effect starts appearing on our skin. Some women go to the parlour and take skin treatment, while some prefer to try home remedies.

One of these tips is ice facial, which is very easy to do, you will not even need to take a separate time to do it.

Do an ice facial like this

There are many types of facials which are done according to different skin tones. But ice facials can be done on any skin. For this, you just have to make ice at home and apply it to the face.

Ice cubes are needed for facials

Ice cubes are required for ice facials. For this, you have to fill water in a small vessel and keep it in the fridge to freeze.

Clean face thoroughly

Cleanse your skin thoroughly before doing an ice facial. Try not to get mud or any cream on it. Otherwise facial will not be done properly.

Use ice cube

After you have cleaned your face, after that you have to use an ice cube on your face. For this, take a cloth, put 1 or 2 ice cubes in it and apply it on the face for 2 to 3 minutes. After this leave the skin to rest.

Wipe face

After doing an ice facial, wipe your face well with the help of a towel and do not apply anything to it for some time.

Use moisturizer

If your skin is dry, then after doing an ice facial, you must use moisturizer. This will give moisture to your skin and it will also keep your skin keep soft. Women with oily skin do not need to use anything after this facial.

By doing ice facials, many skin problems are removed. So you must try it and share your experience with us.

Note- Before adopting the methods mentioned above, you must do a skin patch test. Everyone's skin is different; we are not claiming that you will get instant benefits by adopting the methods mentioned above. You must consult your skin expert once and then use them.

Credit- Herzindagi/ Freepik