Hair loss is not a cause for concern, but if it does occur, understand that you need treatment. Not only women but also men suffer from hair loss.

The hair of many begins to fall out in front and the hair of others falls out from within. (Hair Care Tips) Sometimes the problem of hair loss starts even without proper hair care.

According to Ayurvedic doctor Diksha Bhavsar, there are many reasons for hair loss. These include dandruff, poor metabolism, hormonal imbalances, lack of regular oil intake, poor diet or lifestyle, serious illness, etc. Dr. Diksha Bhavsar shared these 5 main reasons on her Instagram post. (How to stop hair fall)

Iron and hemoglobin

Diksha Bhavsar says that she has met 1000 people so far, who are suffering from hair loss. In such cases, iron and hemoglobin are the main causes of hair loss. This problem is most prevalent among young girls and women. At the same time, to eliminate iron deficiency and hemoglobin, it is important to include healthy things in your diet.

Use of chemical and hair styling products

Most people use chemical and hair styling products to make their hair beautiful. Excessive use of these substances has a negative effect on the hair and thus weakens the hair, which then causes hair loss. This weakens your hair from the roots, making it look wavy and dry.