For the body to function properly, it is necessary to have a healthy digestive system. When food is not broken down properly, the body does not get the essential nutrients it needs. This can make the body weak. Also, there is difficulty in passing stool. Today, in this article, DrDeekshaBhavsar will tell us what to do and what not to do to improve digestive health.

Why is it important to drink water?

People generally believe that water helps in fighting many types of problems related to the body. Due to lack of water, not only dehydration but the stomach also starts drying up. Drinking water also brings a glow to the face. Drink water to keep the digestive system healthy.

Water helps break down food more easily, so your body can absorb the nutrition. It is recommended by doctors to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, but this amount can vary according to weight, season and how active you are.

Is it necessary to exercise for better digestion?

It can be said that there is a disturbance in the digestive system i.e. the body is battered. That's why it is necessary to have a proper stomach. For this start exercising. Exercise for at least 30 minutes. Start with lightweight exercises.

Which foods are not good for digestion?

You should know which are the foods that your digestive system cannot digest. However, it depends from person to person. Cheese, deep-fried foods and fast foods are not good for the digestive system.

Acidic foods such as coffee, tea, vinegar and citrus fruits can also cause problems for the digestive system. Some foods produce gas. These include beans, cabbage and carbonated drinks.

Learn expert's opinion

  • One should not take a bath immediately after eating food. The fire element present in the body is responsible for digestion. In this case, when you eat something, then the fire element gets activated. This increases blood circulation and digests food well, but when you take a shower, the body temperature becomes low, due to which digestion starts slowing down.
  • Walking for long hours and exercising increase the Vatadosha, which does not lead to proper digestion? This may cause bloating. Also, the body does not get nutrition.
  • There is also a time to eat food. You should consume food between 12-2 pm. Pitta predominates at this time, which helps in the digestion of food.
  • Avoid consuming curd at night. Curd increases Kapha and pitta dosha. Due to this, you may get in trouble. So eat curd during the day instead of at night.

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