During periods, women have to face many problems. Cramps, fatigue, mood swings, and many other discomforts occur during periods. Not only this, but many women also have to go through the problem of indigestion and constipation these days. At the same time, many women have the problem of constipation before the period ie during PMS. The reason behind this is hormonal changes in the body. A few days before the period starts, progesterone hormone is produced in the body, due to which the problem of constipation starts before the period starts. Because of this women's stomach is not cleaned properly. Stomach burning and acidity persists. To avoid this, you can follow some easy tips. Dr Saurabh Bali, DNHE, Homeopathy Doctor, Lifestyle Expert, is giving information about these tips.

Digestive issues during periods or PMS

Women may face many gastrointestinal issues during periods or PMS. According to experts, most women go through problems related to digestion before or during periods. On the other hand, some women also have more than one digestive issue during the period. In which bloating, diarrhoea and abdominal pain are very common. Women also face problems due to constipation or the problem of not cleaning the stomach properly during the period. To avoid this, some easy tips can be followed.

Consuming more fibre in the diet

Fibre-rich foods should be included in the diet during the period or a few days before. Green leafy vegetables, whole grains, apples, and many other foods are rich in fibre. This cleans the stomach easily and removes the problem of constipation.

The right amount of water

The right amount of water should be taken care of to avoid constipation during the period. Constipation can also occur when there is a lack of water in the body. On the other hand, women who have diarrhoea during periods should also include water and coconut water in their diet to avoid dehydration.


Exercise is also very important for our digestive system to function properly. Exercise can help the body function properly. If you cannot go to the gym or are not comfortable doing heavy workouts, then at least do 20 minutes of brisk walking. Even this will clean the stomach easily.

Take care of these things

To avoid stomach problems during periods, women should stay away from high-sugar drinks, soda drinks, caffeine drinks and alcohol. Processed foods should also be avoided during these days. Apart from this, you must maintain a food journal during your period. With this, you will be able to know which things are increasing your irritation and which things are giving you relief. Also, if your digestive issues persist even after periods, or if you have severe pain during periods, then do consult a doctor.

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