Monsoon month is on and rain is very common in it. Everyone likes this pleasant season of rain, in such a situation, along with the cold wind, there are also stains from mud and water drops. Let us tell you that glass things get stained very quickly, in such a situation, if you do not pay attention to the cleaning of glass things, then very quickly and deep stains get there so if you have sliding windows in your house and it gets stained by splashes or drops of rain. In such a situation, here we have brought some tips so that you can clean it quickly.

Raindrops stain glass windows and doors very quickly. If it is not cleaned immediately, then these stains are not easily cleaned later. If your glass window has become stained due to raindrops, then by following these tips clean the window immediately.

Clean the glass window with paper or newspaper

You can clean it quickly with newspaper or paper. Take any old paper or newspaper and rub it well on the glass. Rub on the window until the stain is gone. Glass windows do not get scratched by paper and newspapers, as well as clean.

Clean sliding windows with white vinegar

Apart from cooking, this vinegar is also very useful for cleaning. Mix salt and lemon juice in vinegar and put it in a spray bottle and spray it in the glass window and clean it with tissue paper or microfiber.

Use baking soda to clean sliding windows

Baking soda was commonly used earlier to make dishes spongy and soft. But now baking soda is used for cleaning apart from cooking. Take water in a small bowl and add baking soda to it. Now apply it on the stained window and leave it for 5 minutes. After five minutes, wipe the window clean with the help of a cleaning cloth.

Clean the glass window with detergent or dish vas

If the stain is mild, add liquid detergent or dish vas in a bowl and mix it with water. Now apply it to a glass window and clean it by rubbing it with a muslin cloth. You can easily clean minor stains with detergent soap.

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