Many types of problems related to hormones have increased in women these days. These include PCOD and thyroid. Thyroid gland or sluggish or overactive harms health. This problem is seen more in women than in men. Due to weight gain, wrong-eating habits, stress and unhealthy lifestyle, there can be fluctuations in the level of thyroid hormones. There are two types of thyroid, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. When the thyroid gland present in the body starts producing more or less thyroid hormone than required, then it is called the thyroid.

Due to thyroid, both periods and fertility of women are affected. Dietician Manpreet explains how the thyroid affects the fertility of women. Manpreet has done her Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. He is a hormone and gut health coach.

What is hypothyroid?

According to experts, the hypothyroid condition can affect the fertility of women. Whereas, in hyperthyroid, the level of hormones released from the thyroid gland increases. On the other hand, in hypothyroid, less amount of thyroid hormone is released from the thyroid gland and the amount of thyroid hormone in the body starts decreasing.

Hypothyroid effect on female Fertility

  • When the level of thyroid hormone starts decreasing in the body, it affects the fertility of women.
  • Ovulation is affected when the thyroid level is low, which is directly related to fertility.
  • Because of this, periods become irregular and the fertility of women is affected.
  • Hypothyroid can prevent the release of an egg from the ovary. During regular periods, eggs are released from the ovaries every month, but women who have hypothyroid problems do not release eggs properly every month.
  • It can even affect the development of the fertilized egg.
  • Women, who have thyroid problems, need to take special care of their diet and lifestyle even during pregnancy, otherwise, the development of the child may be difficult.

3 essential nutrients for thyroid

In hypothyroid, selenium, zinc and iodine are necessary to balance the thyroid level. Therefore, women who have low thyroid levels should consume selenium, zinc and iodine-rich foods.

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