Women have to go through menstruation every month, but naturally, when the menstrual cycle stops completely in women, that condition is called menopause. After this, women lose the ability to become mothers. During this period, many physical and mental changes take place in the body of women. One of these is hot flashes.

In this, the body temperature suddenly increases. Start sweating and your faces turn red. Mostly this problem occurs at night. Due to this sleep is also affected. If you are also facing the problem of hot flashes then these tips given by expert Navneet Kaur may be useful for you. Let us know how we can get relief from this problem.

These tips help reduce hot flashes

  • To reduce the problem of hot flashes, you can include flaxseed and chia seeds in your diet. They are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which play an important role in regulating hormones. These super seeds may help balance hormones by reducing the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. For this, consume these seeds by adding them to curd every morning. Apart from this, you can include it in your smoothie.
  • Foods like tofu and soy milk can also help you. They're rich in isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen that mimics the effects of estrogen in the body. Including soy-based foods provides your body with natural hormone regulators that may help reduce hot flashes. You should consume soya milk instead of normal milk.
  • Be sure to consume hydrating foods. Cucumbers, radishes, banana and watermelons are hydrating power houses. It is very important to stay well-hydrated during menopause. Because dehydration can increase the problem of hot flashes even more. These fresh foods not only keep you hydrated but also provide essential nutrients for your overall health. You can consume these things for breakfast.
  • Experts say that everyone's menopause journey can be different from each other. But this diet can be helpful for you in reducing hot flashes.

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