With the change in weather, the problem of sore throat and cough is becoming common. This problem mostly happens to everyone due to changing weather, due to which the risk of viral infections and allergies increases. For this, we use many home remedies so that the problem does not worsen. At the same time, many people take medicines given by the doctor. This cures cough for some time. But this does not end. In such a situation, it is important that whatever you consume or adopt, you must consult a doctor once. Dr. BhumeshTyagi is an Associate Professor of General medicine, at Sharda Hospital. He shared some methods. Which you can try. Let us give you information about this in the article.

Try these methods

Warm water and salt gargle: To reduce sore throat, gargle by adding a little salt to warm water. It is very good for the throat. If you have swelling in your throat then you can try this to reduce it also. Apart from this, you must also consume lukewarm water.

Consume hot things: If you have a severe throat problem then you can consume ginger, honey, lemon juice and turmeric. This is because it has anti-inflammatory properties that help in healing the throat. If you want, you should extract ginger juice, mix honey in it and consume it daily.

Consume basil leaves: Basil is very beneficial for health. Therefore you must consume it. You can do this with ginger juice and honey. Drinking this will reduce sore throat. If you have a cough with mucus, you will get relief from that also.

Keep your distance from these things

  • If you are going out, first of all, cover your mouth so that you do not face any problems if there is dust or smoke. Because this also causes sore throat.
  • You may also have increased throat problems due to excessive stress. For this, you must get good sleep and reduce stress. Also, you should eat the right diet. Also, keep this in mind to drink enough water.
  • If your problem has worsened then you must consult a doctor once. This is so that you do not suffer from any serious illness due to increased cough. For this, the doctor will give you the right advice and also give you the right medicine. By consuming this you can get rid of your throat problem.

By following these remedies, you can deal with your sore throat and cough and stay healthy. By staying well organized with the weather changes, you can protect your health and live a happy life.

Note: Before consuming anything, take expert advice.

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