Home Remedies for Periods: Women getting periods every month is a monthly cycle. But many times women do not get periods even after the time is over, then it is a matter of concern. Sometimes the situation is such that pain and cramps are continuous, but despite this, some periods do not take the name of coming. In such a situation, women think of going to the doctor and taking medicine, but let us tell you that many times taking medicine in a hurry can increase the problem even more. In such a situation, you should adopt some home remedies, they give relief and periods come.

Please tell that when this problem starts happening every month, leave the home remedies and contact the doctor. It is possible that some other problem is going on inside, which may take the form of a major disease later on. Let us know some special home remedies that can solve your problem.

Drink cumin water
Cumin is easily available in everyone's kitchen. This increases the test of food, along with it is also very good for health. Cumin water is very useful for women who do not get periods on time. For this, you put 2 teaspoons of cumin in 2 glasses of water. Now boil it well till it reduces a bit. Now consume this water twice a day. You can also drink it like tea.

Celery water
Celery is also such a spice which is found in everyone's kitchen. Many types of nutrients are found in it, which is very beneficial for health. Women who do not get periods from time to time can drink celery drink. There will be benefits from this. For this, add 1 teaspoon of celery to 2 glasses of water. Now boil it well. When the colour of the water starts to turn pale yellow, switch off the gas. Now drink it thrice a day.

Fenugreek seed water
Along with increasing the test of eating fenugreek seeds, it also takes care of health. This is beneficial for us in many ways. Women who do not get periods on time, then they should drink fenugreek seeds. This gives a lot of relief. Although the test of water of fenugreek seeds is bitter, its benefits are very definite.

Jaggery water
Jaggery also plays an important role in removing the problem of periods not coming on time. The effect of jaggery is hot, which gives warmth to the body from the inside. If you are having frequent cramps and pain but periods are not coming, then you can consume jaggery water. For this, boil some jaggery in a glass of water and then consume it twice a day.