High blood pressure is a problem that most people have to deal with these days. When blood hits the walls of blood vessels with high pressure, it is called high blood pressure. Due to high blood pressure, the heart has to work harder to transport blood throughout the body. Long-term high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart failure and blockage in the arteries.

If you are also troubled by this problem and want to control it, then yoga can help you. Yoga is not only a suitable option to control it but it is also very important for people looking for natural ways to reduce high blood pressure. Heart attack and kidney-related problems can also occur due to high blood pressure. This is often due to excessive stress and anxiety.

In this article, 5 such yogas are being told which will prove to help naturally reduce high blood pressure. About these yogas we are being told by the founder of Yoga Sanjeevani and Boonwell, Yoga Guru and Naturopathic Doctor, DrSurendraChoudhary. But first, let us know about its reasons.

What is the cause of high blood pressure?

  • Stress is an important factor that causes high blood pressure. When you are under stress, your heart beats faster and your blood vessels constrict.
  • Other factors such as adverse lifestyle choices including smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse also cause harm.
  • If you don't work out enough or you are overweight, you can lead to high blood pressure.

1. Uttasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)

Doing this asana in Uttasana or forward-leaning posture helps to keep your nervous system calm and healthy. This asana stretches the nerves behind the knee and the abdominal muscles.

2. ViparitaKarni (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose)

ViparitaKarni asana helps in keeping the body calm. Yes, ViparitaKarani is a gentle pose to relax your body. This asana helps in improving blood circulation and making you look younger.

3. Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

Paschimottasana is one of the best yoga asanas to relieve stress. It helps reduce anxiety, depression, and irritability.

4. AdhoMukhaSvanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Downward-Facing Dog Pose or AdhoMukhaSvanasana is one of the extremely popular yoga asanas. This is the most exhilarating yoga pose. Do this asana by keeping your body loose and mind calm.

5. Setu Bandha Asana (Bridge Pose)

In this asana, there will be a stretch in your neck, spine and chest. This will give you relief and strengthen your muscles.

Apart from this, women suffering from the problem of high blood pressure can benefit from pranayama. It has long been understood that regular workouts and a healthy diet can lower blood pressure. The following breathing-related pranayamas are helpful in this:

  • AnulomVilom: For best results, do AnulomVilom for at least 7 to 15 minutes.
  • Bhramari: Try to do Bhramari for at least 5-7 minutes.
  • Sheetali:Sheetali helps in purifying the blood. Apart from this, it lowers blood pressure and relieves stress. Do this for 5-7 minutes.
  • Chandrabhedi: By doing this pranayama continuously, the blood pressure decreases and the body temperature starts decreasing. Do this for 5-7 minutes.

How do yogasanas work?

  • Yogasanas involve conscious and deep breathing in sync with the movements of your body. They can help in controlling blood pressure naturally, mainly by relieving stress.
  • Obesity can also cause high blood pressure. Controls weight by doing yoga regularly.
  • Lack of adequate rest is the cause of stress and high blood pressure. Yoga helps to regulate sleep habits and patterns.
  • Yogasanas can calm the nerves and help slow down the abnormal heart rate.
  • Yoga helps in boosting immunity and reducing heart problems like heart attack and stroke etc.

You too can control blood pressure with the help of these yoga asanas.

Image Credit: Shutterstock &Freepik


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