Henna has been used in hair for years. Hair is good by applying Mehndi. Therefore, instead of dyeing the hair, most women use henna to colour the hair, but often women complain that after applying henna, their hair does not get coloured well.

What should be mixed in henna for hair?

Mehndi is beneficial for colouring hair. By using it not only the hair becomes colored but also remains healthy. If you want the colour of the mehndi to become darker, then you can use beetroot for this. Beetroot is red-

  • First of all, wash the beetroot well.
  • Now grate it.
  • Put water in a big vessel on the gas. Now add grated beetroot to it.
  • Boil the water till the water reduces to half.
  • When it cools down, add this water to the henna paste.
  • Now when you use henna in the hair, the color of the hair will look like light burgundy. This colour will not go away soon because
  • This is a natural colour.

Benefits of applying Hibiscus flower to hair

Hibiscus flower is beneficial for hair. This flower helps in eliminating problems ranging from grey hair to hair fall. If the colour does not stick well in your hair after applying henna, then you can use hibiscus flower powder for this. You will easily get this powder in the market.

  • Add 2 spoons of hibiscus flower powder to the henna paste.
  • Mix it well and apply it to the hair.
  • It will give red colour to your hair.

What to put in hair to apply henna

Women often complain that after applying henna to their hair, the colour does not set properly. To get a good colour of mehndi in your hair, boil cloves with tea water. Mix clove water, 2 spoons of catechu powder and 8-10 henna oil in henna. Applying this solution of henna will give good colour to the hair.

Benefits of applying henna to hair

  • If your hair is falling excessively, then the use of henna can reduce this problem. Applying Amla powder mixed with Mehndi reduces hair fall.
  • Hair can grow even without using expensive treatments and chemical products. Applying henna on hair increases hair growth.
  • If the scalp is not healthy, it can lead to many problems. Henna is beneficial for keeping the scalp healthy.
  • If you have oily hair, apply henna. It helps in balancing the production of oil.
  • To make hair silky, apart from shampoo and conditioner, applying henna will make hair soft.
  • Mehndi can be used to repair damaged hair.

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