Excess Of Calcium: Do you have the problem of heaviness in the chest and pain in the legs: If you are getting it, then understand that one thing in your body is increasing beyond its limits.

Whenever there is an excess of vitamins or minerals in the body, then there is some problem in the body. The lack or excess of anything is not right in the body. If there is an excess of calcium in your body, then there may be an increased heaviness in your chest and pain in the legs. The special thing is that many times such symptoms are seen as calcium deficiency.

If you are taking calcium pills or supplements to make bones strong, then you should be careful. Because by doing this, you fill your body with more calcium than it needs.

Excess to calcium is not only fatal, but it also poses a risk to the kidneys and bones. The way the body gives a signal of calcium deficiency, the same sign is found in the excess of calcium, but there are some such signs from which you can easily guess its excess. So let's know what are the disadvantages of having too much calcium.

Detection of calcium excess

If stones start forming again and again, then understand that calcium is getting more in the body. Also, if there is chest pain, shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest, pain in the legs, stone formation, frequent fractures, and pain in the joints, then understand that there is an excess of calcium in the body.

The danger of too much calcium

Excess calcium causes hypercalcemia. The reason behind this is not only calcium capsules or food items, but other things related to the body such as the overactive parathyroid gland located behind the thyroid gland or genetic disease, cancer, and lack of hydration can also be responsible.

The risk of these diseases due to excess calcium

Kidney function- Excess calcium starts turning into stone. The presence of stones in the gall bladder and kidney tells only the excess calcium. Not only this, but the excess calcium also has a bad effect on the function of the kidney, due to which there is a problem in filtering the body and many diseases start taking birth in the body. Not only this, it can even lead to kidney failure.

Effect on the brain- High amount of calcium not only causes hypercalcemia but also affects the brain's ability to understand. This can lead to confusion and dementia in the person. Not only this, but he can also go into a coma.

Osteoporosis - If you think that osteoporosis, which weakens the bones, is only due to a lack of calcium, then know that this disease occurs even when there is more calcium in the body. When more calcium is released in the blood, the bones gradually start to become hollow and a person can even get fractured by sneezing and coughing.

Harmful to the heart- Excess amount of calcium also affects the arteries of the heart. This not only increases the fear of blockage but also increases the risk of attack.

(Disclaimer: Our article is for providing information only. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.)