The risk of many types of health problems increases significantly in summer. Conditions like heat stroke and dehydration can cause serious and life-threatening side effects. Health experts say that in this season of high temperature, cases of urinary tract infection (UTI) are also seen more. UTI can occur in any part of the urinary system. Most infections affect the lower urinary tract - bladder and urethra. If it is not identified and treated on time, there may be a risk of infection reaching the kidney.

Doctors say that women have a higher risk of getting UTI than men. This is the reason why on high temperature days, along with protection from heat stroke and other side effects of heat, there is a need to take special precautions regarding the risk of UTI.

Problem can increase due to dehydration
Dr. Rachna Singh of the Urology Department in Lucknow says that the risk of UTI during summer has been seen more in those who reduce the intake of fluids. This can also be a side effect of dehydration. In case of UTI, along with burning and pain in urination, there is also the problem of frequent urination, strong urge to urinate and bleeding in urine. It becomes necessary to identify its symptoms in time and get treatment.

How to identify it?

The doctor says, it is not necessary that all people feel symptoms in case of UTI. However, as the infection increases, many types of problems start occurring, for which special care should be taken.

Strong urge to urinate which does not go away.

Burning sensation while urinating.

Frequent urination and small amount of urine.

Bright pink or cola-colored urine.

Strong odor from urine.

Pain in the pelvic area in women.

What to do if symptoms of UTI are seen?

Dr. Rachna says, symptoms like UTI are seen in many other types of problems related to urination. Therefore, urine test is considered necessary to know about the infection. There is a common myth that UTI can be treated with cranberry juice, although it is not necessary that everyone will get benefit from it.

Antibiotics are used to cure the infection, although it can be changed depending on the bacteria causing the infection.

What to do to avoid the risk of UTI?

Dr. Rachna says, to reduce the risk of UTI in summer, it is most important to drink at least three to four liters of water or fluid every day. Apart from this, urinate every three hours. Urinating after intercourse and cleaning the genitals is necessary.

People who have diabetes have a higher risk of UTI, such people are advised to be more careful.