These days, most of the states of the country are in the grip of extreme heat and heat waves. According to media reports, the mercury has crossed 48 degrees Celsius at many places in Delhi. Health experts consider high temperatures to be serious and problematic for health in many ways. Health experts said it is important for everyone to continue to protect themselves from exposure to strong sunlight. Along with this, keep drinking plenty of water. Any carelessness in these can increase the risk of serious health problems like heat stroke.

The Meteorological Department has issued a 'red alert' regarding the heat wave in the capital Delhi-NCR till Wednesday. According to data shared by the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC), more than 16 thousand cases of heatstroke have been reported in the country since March 1. Doctors say the number of patients in the emergency departments of hospitals has been increasing for the last few days. In such a situation, the big question is whether heat stroke can also cause death.

Let us know about this.
Heat stroke and the problems caused by it

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a body temperature of 106°F or higher can be seriously problematic. If the temperature does not drop or the person does not receive emergency treatment in time, heat stroke can cause permanent disability or even death. Media reports are reporting people dying due to heat stroke in many cities of Rajasthan.

Health experts have appealed to all people to keep protecting themselves from the increasing scorching heat.

What do doctors say?
Talking to Amar Ujala, Dr. Bhaskar Shukla, Senior Consultant Neurologist at a Delhi-based hospital, says that recently a 90-year-old man and a 78-year-old woman were admitted to the hospital after complaining of heat stroke. He developed stroke symptoms such as difficulty speaking and weakness in his arms.

Heat stroke due to dehydration and dehydration after stroke can significantly increase health complications. To avoid such risks, it is important to avoid exposure to high temperatures and drink plenty of water to reduce the risks of dehydration. In serious situations, it can also have life-threatening side effects.

Heat stroke can increase the risk of brain stroke
Dr Prakhar Sahay, a neurologist at another Delhi-based hospital, says severe cases of heat stroke can also lead to brain stroke. Dehydration disrupts the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which increases the risk of blood clotting and the formation of clots within the vessels. Brain stroke is considered one of the life-threatening conditions. People who survive a brain stroke may be at risk for disability—paralysis.

How to avoid heat stroke?
Doctor Prakhar explains that by keeping some things in mind, heat stroke and the problems caused by it can be prevented. The most important thing is that you keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It is important to drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily. Also avoid physical activity or intense exercise in hot, humid environments. Do not consume anything that can increase the risk of dehydration like excessive coffee, tea, alcohol, etc. The most important thing is to stay in air-conditioned or cool places to control body temperature.