Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading risk factors for death globally. After corona infection, its risk is increasing rapidly. The situation is such that now even young people are becoming victims of this serious disease. In one such case, a 12-year-old child died of a heart attack, which has once again alerted people about the danger of this disease increasing in the young population - children. Health experts say that due to disturbances in lifestyle and diet, the risk of this serious disease has increased significantly in people of all ages with time.

There can be many types of problems related to heart diseases, and confusion is often seen among people regarding these. Heart attack and heart failure are such problems that most people consider to be the same, but these are two different problems.

Let us know what is the difference between these two and how can it be identified?
Know about heart attack first

Heart attack, also known as heart attack, its risk has increased rapidly in the last few years. This problem occurs due to a sudden decrease in blood flow in a part of the heart. Some conditions can cause blockage in the normal flow of blood, leading to a heart attack.

If the blood flow in the heart is not normal, then part of the heart muscle starts getting damaged due to which there is a risk of developing serious complications.

Causes and symptoms of heart attack
Many wrong habits in our daily routine and diet can lead to the risk of heart attack. Coronary artery disease is considered one of the leading causes of heart attack. In case of a heart attack, the patient needs immediate emergency treatment, if CPR and medical treatment is provided on time, the chances of survival increase.

In case of a heart attack, it is not necessary to have symptoms every time, although most people experience chest pain or discomfort, pain in the left side of the body, arm, back, shoulder, neck, jaw or stomach along with difficulty in breathing. Difficulty may be felt. Such problems should be given serious attention.

Now know what heart failure
Heart failure is also a serious problem like heart attack which can have fatal consequences. Heart failure is a condition when the heart is unable to pump enough blood around the body. This problem can occur due to insufficient blood reaching the heart or weakness in the heart pumping properly. Every year lakhs of people die due to heart failure.

Know the causes and symptoms of heart failure
Health experts say many factors can cause the problem of heart failure. In most cases, it is caused by damage to the heart due to other medical conditions, such as excessive pressure on the heart or injury or infection. The thing to note here is that heart failure can affect both the left and right sides of the heart.

Shortness of breath is the most common problem in case of heart failure, as the heart weakens, these symptoms can become serious.

(PC: Freepik)