Hole In Heart: In today's time, diseases related to the heart are increasing very fast. In such a situation, we will tell you here what does the body give when there is a hole in the heart?

Hole In Heart Symptoms: In today's time, diseases related to the heart are increasing very fast. But due to a lack of information, people are not able to identify it at the right time and become serious victims of these diseases. At the same time, a serious problem related to the heart is also having a hole in the heart. This problem is congenital. But it can be treated by recognizing the symptoms of a hole in the heart at the right time. In such a situation, we will tell you here what the body gives when there is a hole in the heart.

Symptoms of a hole in the heart-

1- Chills in the heat due to a hole in the heart is a sign of a hole in the heart, if you also feel cold even in the summer season or your body is always cold, then you must consult your doctor. should be shown. Because if there is such a problem, there can be a hole in the heart or a heart-related disease.

2- Always feeling tired and sweating more is also a symptom of a hole in the heart, yes if you are always tired and sweat a lot then do not ignore why it is a symptom of the hole in the heart.

3- If you have trouble breathing again and again, then you may also have a problem with pneumonia, heart disease, or a hole in the heart. In that case, you should do your investigation.

4- If you start feeling short of breath while speaking or while walking, there may be a possibility of a hole in the heart. Because of this, even small children have trouble speaking.

5- In the problem of a hole in the heart, the color of the child's body turns blue, while during this time the lips and nails are badly affected, if such symptoms appear in the body, one should immediately contact the doctor.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)