To keep the body healthy and to keep the organs functioning properly, the circulation of blood in all the parts of the body must be good. Normally this function is continuous, although due to some disorders, the flow of blood in the body can be interrupted. Doctors say, POTS is one such problem, about which it becomes very important for all people to know and keep using methods to prevent it.

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a disorder in which when you stand, most of the blood stays in your lower body, inhibiting blood flow to the upper body. In response to this, your heart rate increases due to which there can be a risk of many types of problems.

Know about POTS disorder
In POTS, because blood circulation to the upper body is cut off, your heart beats faster in an attempt to pump blood to your brain. Your heart rate may increase by 30 beats or more after one minute of standing. POTS can throw off the balance of your whole body. It is very important to understand its symptoms in time.
Dizziness or fainting
Blurred vision,
Abdominal pain - bloating
Diarrhea or constipation.
Sweating profusely.

What causes this problem
Doctors say certain conditions may increase your risk of POTS. Although it can happen to people of any age, but its highest risk is seen in those aged 15-50. Apart from this, certain types of diseases also increase the risk of developing this disease in you.
Anemia (lack of enough red blood cells in the body.)
Autoimmune diseases, such as Sjogren's syndrome or lupus
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Risk in diabetics
Multiple sclerosis problems.

How to recognize the problem of POTS?
Although there is no cure for POTS, its risks can be reduced through certain types of medicines and therapy. Increasing blood circulation with the help of compression therapy can increase blood circulation to the rest of the body.

You may experience POTS when you are showering, standing in line, or feeling stressed. You may also experience symptoms after eating, as your intestines need more blood for digestion which gets obstructed.

Try to keep the lifestyle right
If you get tired quickly, improving it becomes essential to correct your symptoms. Improving a night's sleep may also be beneficial in controlling symptoms. Making regular yoga exercise a part of the routine can help in improving blood circulation and treating the problem of POTS.

(PC: Freepik)