With the end of the Holi festival, summer has started. The temperature has started increasing slowly. Keeping yourself healthy in this season is not a challenge. Most people fall ill frequently during the summer season. If you follow some tips in the initial summer itself, you can take good care of your health. Today we are telling you some such tips which will not let you fall ill in summer. Let us know about this.

Take care of your health with the help of these tips at the beginning of summer

  • Summer has just started, so try your best to keep your body hydrated. For this, it is very important to drink an adequate amount of water. When the weather changes and the temperature increases, this causes more sweating. Due to this dehydration problems can occur. In such a situation, you should consume as much liquid as possible.

  • Consume such food items which contain more amount of water and which have a cooling effect, like lassi, and consume fruits as much as possible. Cucumbers and watermelon can be the best option as they contain a high amount of water. Their nature is also cool, which helps in maintaining body temperature.
  • Avoid eating too much heavy food. Fried chillies Spicy food takes longer to digest. Due to this also problem of dehydration occurs. This can increase body heat.
  • Do not consume excessive amounts of tea or coffee. These contain caffeine. Its consumption also increases heat in the body and is a diuretic. This causes frequent urination and causes dehydration.

  • You should eat a balanced diet. There should be every nutrient on your plate which will strengthen your immunity and prevent you from falling prey to any infection.
  • Spend as little time outside the home as possible. Being exposed to sunlight and hot winds can make you vulnerable to heat stroke.

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