The summer lasts around April-July and this is the time when we become vulnerable to several stomach-related ailments, among other things. In addition, increased mercury in summers leads to increased irritability and this often results in loss of appetite. While we feel that this is happening due to the heat, to some extent our lifestyle and food habits are also responsible for this change.

Today we are telling you about some such things, which people often, do during summer. Scroll down to know what the things to avoid staying healthy this season are. Ayurveda doctor and health coach DrAishwarya Santosh is telling us about them.

The doctor says, “Ayurveda considers summer as the season of pitta, so it is recommended to adopt measures to keep the body cool and prevent aggravation of pitta dosha. We all know how important it is to stay hydrated during the summer season. Otherwise, it can have a bad effect on your health.

Some people consume lime soda, cold drinks and packet juices to keep themselves hydrated and cool during the summer season. But, they cause dehydration, which makes you feel unwell. To stay fit and healthy, one should drink at least two litres of water daily. Drinking water is one of the best ways to beat the heat.

1. Drinking cold water

Drinking cold water or cold drinks can lead to hydration problems and slow down the digestive fire, as well as changes in the internal body temperature. This causes the body to spend energy regulating its temperature instead of digesting food and absorbing nutrients for energy production.

Apart from this, drinking cold drinks can lead to various health problems like neck pain, sinusitis etc.

2. Spicy food

It is known to all that fried food is not good for you, whether it is your favourite samosa, burger, french fries, junk food etc., all these foods can dehydrate you, as well as digesting them is special in the summer months. It gets tough. These foods have a bad effect on your health.

In addition, eating spicy and hot foods can aggravate pitta dosha in the body, which can lead to increased body temperature and excessive sweating, dehydration, and rashes.

3. Heavy Workout

  1. summer, there is an imbalance of pitta and vata dosha in nature. Heavy workouts during this time lead to an imbalance of the doshas, ​​which can increase the risk of many diseases. If you too are thinking of doing heavy workouts to lose weight in summer, then think again.

4. Excessive consumption of alcohol

During summer it is advised to either abstain from consuming alcohol or take it with plenty of water. Otherwise, alcohol consumption can lead to an imbalance of pitta dosha, which can lead to inflammation, weakening of the body, and increased feelings of heat and irritation.

The doctor further added, “I encourage my patients to eat a balanced diet avoiding excess fat as it heats the body. Water is very important even if you drink other liquids. There is no substitute for water. Avoid consuming tea and coffee in excess as it can lead to dehydration. Have seasonal fruits like watermelon, cucumber and mango. It is essential to eat light meals; otherwise, the body may generate excess heat which may result in sleeplessness, tiredness, bloating, upset stomach and acidity.

You should also avoid doing these things to stay healthy.

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