Fertility: To become a parent, not only women but also men should take special care of their reproductive health. There may be problems in getting pregnant due to low quantity of sperm or any other problem. Our lifestyle has a direct impact on reproductive health. Therefore, men as well as women need to pay attention to their diet and lifestyle. Let us know about some lifestyle-related things that can help in reducing fertility problems.

Do not keep your laptop on your lap

Working with a laptop on your lap increases the temperature of the testicles, which can reduce sperm production. This happens because to produce sperm, the temperature of the testicles must be lower than the normal temperature of our body. The heat emanating from a laptop can be harmful to your reproductive health. Additionally, the ability of sperm to move may also be affected.

Stay away from smoking and alcohol

Drinking alcohol and smoking reduces the power of sperm to move. Because of this, fewer sperm can reach the egg and the chances of pregnancy are reduced. Therefore, staying away from alcohol and cigarettes can be beneficial. Smoking and drinking alcohol also affect the DNA of sperm, which can cause problems later in pregnancy.

Avoid STIs

Take care of safety during sexual intercourse. Being careless while having physical relations increases the risk of contracting STI i.e. sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, get yourself checked for STIs regularly, use condoms, and take care of your partner's health.

Do not eat unhealthy food

Diet has a direct impact on our overall health, which also includes sperm. Eating unhealthy food increases the risk of increased cholesterol, obesity, etc. This affects the ability of sperm to move.

sleep for 7-8 hours

Lack of sleep can increase stress hormones, which negatively impacts the ability to produce sperm. Due to this, sperm motility also reduces, that is, sperms can move less. Therefore, make your schedule in such a way that you take 7-8 hours of sleep every day.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, always consult your doctor.

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