Health Tips: People often get sore throat or pain due to the changing weather. Many types of throat problems are caused by infection or infection. The main symptoms of a throat infection are pain, soreness, chills, or fever. On the other hand, throat infection is a common problem, which can be caused by bacterial infection, viral infection, and allergies. Sometimes due to changes in weather or flu, throat infection also occurs. When there is a throat infection, people often pay attention to the same symptoms, which are associated with the throat. However, many symptoms also appear in other parts of the body. If you have a sore throat, cough, or pain due to the changing weather, then you may have a throat infection. Let us know what are the symptoms, methods of prevention, and treatment of sore throat or throat infection.

Who is more at risk of throat infection?
A throat infection can be caused by bacteria or viruses. Although any age group can complain of throat infection, this problem is mostly seen in young children. Children who have a weak immune system can easily catch throat infections.

symptoms of throat infection
sore throat and pain
Difficulty swallowing food
Swelling and pain in tonsils
white deposit on tonsils
redness of the throat
change in voice and hoarseness
dry throat
rash on tongue
fever and cough

due to a throat infection
A throat infection can occur due to a cold and viral infection. There may be problems of sore throat, pain, swelling, and fever.

A throat infection can also occur due to bacterial infection. Due to this, there may be a problem with strep throat and there may be an infection in the throat and tonsils.

A throat infection can also occur due to allergies. Allergies can be caused by pollution, pets, weakened immune systems, or other reasons.

Due to injury to the throat, the person's vocal cords and muscles can get stretched, due to which there is a complaint of sore throat. A prolonged sore throat can lead to infection.