image credit: mahanagartimes

Consumption of rock salt helps in controlling high blood pressure. Also, it is very helpful in reducing the problem of cholesterol. The chances of heart attack are negligible due to the consumption of rock salt. Rock salt proves to be very beneficial for us even in the event of stress.

image credit: navbharattimes

Consumption of rock salt increases the level of serotonin and melatonin hormones in the body. Which provides the power to fight stress and depression. Apart from this, bones are also strengthened by the use of rock salt. It also provides relief from joint pain and cramps.

image credit: littlefooddiary

In the problem of stone, rock salt should be eaten mixed with lemon water. By doing this regularly, the stones will come out in less time. Apart from this, if you want to get rid of the problem of sleeplessness, then rock salt will be beneficial. Along with this, the problem related to teeth also goes away from it.