Health Tips: Due to continuous work from home and less physical activity, cases of diabetes are increasing the most among people between 30 and 40 years.

Diabetes in Youth: Due to poor lifestyle, the problem of diabetes is increasing and cases of diabetes have started appearing especially in the youth of 20-25 years. Dr. Abhishek Shukla, general secretary of the Association of International Doctors, says that due to sitting for long hours and eating fast food even while working, the risk of diabetes is increasing among the youth.

Diabetes cases increased during corona epidemic

Dr. Kausar Usman, a senior faculty at King George's Medical University, Lucknow, said that due to working from home during the coronavirus pandemic, diabetes has increased further. Dr. Kausar says that even after the end of the Covid-19 restrictions, companies, especially in some areas, are still on the work-from-home (WFO) policy.

It is necessary to balance lifestyle for the prevention

Dr. Kausar Usman said that due to continuous work from home and less physical activity, cases of diabetes are increasing the most among people between 30 and 40 years. He said that working people should learn to balance work and life to adopt a good lifestyle.

Obesity is the biggest reason for diabetes

Dr. Abhishek Shukla, Secretary General, of the Association of International Doctors said that obesity, which is a major contributing factor to diabetes, is on the rise among young professionals. They sit for long hours and eat fast food even while working. It is an unhealthy lifestyle. Dr. Mayank Somani said, 'Diabetes in India is rapidly attaining the status of a potential epidemic affecting more than 77 million people.'

Heavy exercise can be dangerous

Medical experts further said that after increasing obesity, youth prefer to do heavy workouts. According to Dr. DK Srivastava, 'This can be counter-productive, as the body is suddenly unable to tolerate high-intensity workouts. Brisk walking and light exercise is the best recipe for a healthy lifestyle. He indicated that heavy exercise could be the reason behind the recent deaths of Bollywood actors.