Health Tips: The rainy season is going on and in this season you should take special care of your diet. The risk of diseases and infections increases more during the rainy season. If you are careless in eating, it can cause great harm to your health.

What you eat for lunch can make or break your whole day. That's why to include only healthy things in lunch. Avoid consuming oily spices, and fried things in lunch. Homemade food with less oil and spices should be eaten. Today, in this article, we will tell you what should be avoided for lunch.

Leftover dinner
Eat only freshly prepared food for lunch. Eating leftover food can cause stomach problems. This causes the problem of stomach upset.

Never eat fried food at lunch. Lunch is the time when you have a full and heavy meal. That's why you must eat nutritious things in your lunch. Must eat bread, vegetables, pulses, rice, and salad. Along with this, you can also drink curd or buttermilk.

Soup or salad
Some people eat only soup or salad during lunch, which is wrong. A balanced food should always be taken at lunch. By eating only soup or salad, you will feel hungry soon, if you consume some unhealthy food in the evening, then it can spoil your health.

Eating only fruits for lunch is not a good option. It is not recommended to eat fruits before or after meals. As you have a fruit breakfast, it spoils your digestive system.

Sandwich or packaged food
Pre-made sandwiches or packed foods should not be consumed in lunch at all.

Pizza or pasta
Eating pizza or pasta for lunch can also harm your digestive system and due to this your weight also increases rapidly.
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