Diabetes: Diabetes is a serious disease in which the sugar level of the body increases. Because of this many dangerous diseases can occur. When insulin is not produced in sufficient quantity in our body or our body is not able to use it properly, then the problem of diabetes occurs.

Diabetes can cause heart disease, hypertension, and kidney diseases. Therefore it is very important to prevent diabetes. By detecting its initial symptoms, it can be controlled. However, the best way to prevent this is a lifestyle change. Know what are the symptoms of diabetes and what are its risk factors.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

  • feeling more thirsty than usual

  • being more tired

  • feeling very hungry
  • blurred vision
  • frequent urge to urinate
  • feeling weak
  • blisters that don't heal quickly
  • weight loss
  • dry skin
  • very itchy
  • tingling in hands and feet

What are its risk factors?

being overweight

The risk of diabetes increases due to weight gain. This happens because due to excess fat, insulin resistance increases, due to which the glucose level in the blood increases. Therefore it is very important to maintain weight.

lack of physical activity

Sitting in one place for a long time, not exercising, desk job, all increase the risk of diabetes. Therefore, it is important to do 30 minutes of exercise every day. Walking daily is also effective in preventing diabetes.


Alcohol has a bad effect on your pancreas, due to which insulin is not produced properly. Due to a lack of insulin, blood sugar level increases significantly, due to which there is a risk of diabetes. Therefore do not drink alcohol.


If someone in your family, such as your parents or siblings, has diabetes, your risk of developing diabetes also increases. Therefore, if someone in your family has diabetes, improve your lifestyle so that the risk can be reduced.

high blood pressure

The risk of diabetes also increases due to high blood pressure. Therefore, do not take too much stress, do not eat too much salt, reduce cholesterol, exercise, and get enough sleep.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, always consult your doctor.

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