Tasty And Healthy Roti For Kids: You must have seen that parents have to work hard to feed small children. Children often pretend to eat while eating. If there is a small child in your house and he pretends to eat bread, then you can easily solve this problem. Actually, roti contains a lot of nutrition which is very important for children's body. In today's article, we will talk about a solution which can help you get rid of the problem of your child not eating bread. For this you will have to work a little harder, but with this trick your child will eat the bread on demand. Let us know what that method is.

Adopt this trick for children.

If your child does not eat plain roti, then you can try mixed veg roti for him. This will provide your children with plenty of nutrients and bring you happiness. You can adopt two methods to make this roti. Due to which your children will beg for bread from you.

The first method

To knead dough from leftover vegetables and pulses at home. Add a little salt and cumin and now make roti from it. Your child will find it very tasty.

Another way to make mixed veg roti is

To grind and add 2 carrots, 1 radish, half cup peas and half cup cabbage to the flour. Now add some ginger, light salt and 1 teaspoon celery to the flour. Knead all this together. After kneading the dough, let it rest for some time. Then make roti from this flour. To enhance the taste of roti, you can apply ghee in it. Now feed this roti to your child plain or with curd.

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