Weight Loss Diet: Do you love rice? We have good news for you. White rice (a favorite food of many) often comes under criticism when it comes to weight loss due to its high starch content. Although loved by many, it is often on the avoid list for weight-conscious individuals. But the truth is that there are smart ways to enjoy white rice without compromising your weight loss journey. It all depends on how you cook it! Yes, by just changing the process of cooking rice, you can continue to taste your favorite rice dishes and still lose extra weight.

There's a reason why white rice is not commonly included in weight loss diets. When you are trying to lose those extra kilos, its high carbohydrate content and calorie load may seem like an obstacle. It is full of starch, which prevents effective weight loss. However, all hope is not lost. There are ways to include white rice in your diet that are weight loss-friendly. Let us know how.

Cook with Coconut

The calorie content of rice can be reduced by adding coconut oil while cooking white rice and storing it in the refrigerator after cooking. This is because it increases the amount of resistant starch in rice, which is a type of fiber that your body cannot digest. Pour water into a vessel and boil it. Add one teaspoon of coconut oil for every half cup of rice. Mix coconut oil in water. Add rice to boiling water and cook for about 40 minutes. After cooking, keep the rice in the refrigerator for about 12 hours.

Boiled Rice

Solution Another secret rice recipe to eat white rice for weight loss is parboiled rice (rice partially boiled in rice). Unlike white rice, parboiled rice undergoes a unique processing method such as soaking, steaming, and drying. This process increases its nutritional value and changes its texture, making it a good choice for those looking to lose weight.

Strain the starch

A third technique to reduce the starch content of rice is to cook it with additional water and strain it after boiling. This method helps in removing excess starch from rice. Here's how you can do it. Wash your rice thoroughly under cold water. Add it to a pot with a generous amount of boiling water. Use about 6-10 cups of water for every cup of rice, depending on your preference. Boil the rice uncovered for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Taste one grain. Once it reaches your desired softness, strain the rice using a fine-mesh strainer or colander. Rinse the rice with warm water to remove any remaining starch.

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