Motion Sickness Remedies: During the journey, many people complain of dizziness, vomiting, and nausea, but instead of panicking, you can try easy tricks.

Vomiting During Traveling: Many of us are fond of traveling, but there are many people whose head starts spinning in the name of travel. Motion sickness is such a problem in which there is a complaint of vomiting, dizziness, dizziness, or nausea during travel. You must have often seen that there is a sickness bag on flights and luxury buses, in which you can vomit if needed. Especially in hilly areas where the roads are very curvy, this problem is more there.

Symptoms of motion sickness

- Nausea

- Vertigo

- Vomiting

- Dizziness

- Tiredness

- Lethargy

- Indigestion

- Abdominal pain

-Feeling restless and Irritability

How to avoid motion sickness?

- When you have complaints of vomiting and nausea during traveling, you can consume ginger, mint, lemon, and cola drinks. This will reduce the feeling of vomiting.

You must keep cloves and cardamom during the journey, if you want, you can grind them and keep them in a box. Whenever you feel like vomiting, keep it in your mouth. If you want, you can drink it by mixing it in lukewarm water.

People who have a complaint of motion sickness should never read books or magazines during the journey, by doing this the mind can wander more.

Never eat too much before traveling, it increases the risk of indigestion which can cause vomiting.

Never sit on the back seat of a bus or car because the jerk is more felt here, which can increase motion sickness.

If you are traveling in a train, bus, or a big car, then sit facing in the same direction as the movement of the vehicle, sitting in the opposite direction can cause dizziness.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general beliefs. Take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm these remedies.)