Signs Of Cataracts In Eyes: Cataract in the eyes is a serious problem. Yes, due to cataracts, the person's eyesight goes away. By the way, this disease starts only in old age. But you already start seeing its symptoms. Let us tell you that anyone can get cataract disease. In such a situation, you should stay away from this disease. In such a situation, if you want to avoid this disease, then do not ignore its symptoms. Let us tell you here what the symptoms are seen in the eyes when there is a problem with cataracts.

These symptoms are seen in the eyes due to cataracts-

Blurred vision-

When there is a problem with cataracts in the eyes, you start seeing blurred. By the way, nowadays most people spend time on the computer and the screen of the phone, due to which the eyes start getting weak. In such a situation, if you start seeing blurred, then first of all contact the doctor and get your eyes checked.

Blurry vision at night-

When you have cataracts, you start seeing blurred in the nighttime. In such a situation, if you also have such a problem, then do not ignore it. Because if you see blurry in the nighttime, you may have the problem of cataracts.

Flashes of light before the eyes

In the case of cataracts, the patient sees everything shining. Because of this the patient of cataract starts having problems in more light. Therefore, if you also start having problems with too much light, do not ignore it.

Seeing everything double-

The person who gets cataract disease often starts seeing everything double. Therefore, if you also see everything double, then you should not ignore it.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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