Cashew Side Effects: The name of cashew comes first when it comes to dry fruits. It is no less than a treasure in the kitchen. By the way, eating cashew makes bones strong. At the same time, eating it also keeps the skin healthy. But do you know that excessive consumption of cashew nuts can harm your health? Yes, due to the high amount of nutrients present in cashews, one should avoid eating cashews in excess. Come, we will tell you here what are the harms to health due to excessive consumption of cashews.

Disadvantages of eating cashews-

Obesity increases -

The amount of calories in cashew is high. Eating it in excess can cause problems like obesity, and high blood sugar levels. That's why diabetes and thyroid patients should not eat cashew nuts. If you are already obese then you should avoid eating cashews.

Kidney stone-

Cashew contains a good amount of magnesium and calcium. Therefore, excessive consumption of cashew can cause kidney stone problems. In such a situation, if you already have kidney problems, then you should avoid consuming cashews. Because consuming cashews can increase this problem.

Dehydration can happen-

Cashews have a high amount of fiber. If you drink less water after eating more fiber then dehydration can occur. This is because fiber needs water to dissolve properly. When there is more fiber in the body, it absorbs the water present in the body. Due to this, problems like constipation also start.

Lung problem

Cashew contains iron. Excessive consumption of iron affects the work of cells. Iron gets deposited in the cells. If it accumulates in the cells of the lungs. So the symptoms of asthma can be seen. It becomes difficult for the person to breathe.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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