Why You Should Not Skip Breakfast: There would hardly be any person who would not want to eat breakfast, but there are many reasons due to why people skip breakfast. Due to people who wake up late, and hurry to go to the office or travel, many people are not able to get their morning meal. Ayushi Yadav, the former dietician of GIMS Hospital, Greater Noida, told what are the 3 reasons why we should never skip breakfast.

Why should you not skip breakfast?

1. Helps in reducing weight.

Some people think that if they eat less food, it will reduce their weight. With this wrong thinking, they often do not have breakfast in the morning. In such a situation, they feel excessively hungry at lunchtime and consume more calories, which gives a big blow to the weight loss process. On the contrary, if you take a healthy diet during sleep, the calories will be distributed properly and will remain uniform throughout the day, and will help in reducing weight.

2. There will be no hunger cravings at night.

There is the right time for every meal, this routine should not be broken at all, otherwise, health may suffer many types of losses. According to Etician Ayushi, people who do not eat breakfast in the morning have more hunger cravings at night due to which the deposition of calories becomes more than normal. Therefore, have breakfast.

3. You will get the necessary energy.

We need a lot of energy to work throughout the day, and if we do not have breakfast, then due to this we have to face fatigue during office work. Having a healthy breakfast provides energy to our body. This happens, which helps in normal activities of daily life.

Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading our news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.

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