Health Tips: The relationship between stress and weight gain is clearly visible. When we are stressed our body goes into "fight or flight" mode, causing cortisol hormone levels to increase in our body. High levels of this hormone increase the desire for food, especially sweet and fatty foods. This can result in weight gain. Let's explore this in more detail:

1. Stress and food cravings:

When we are stressed, our body produces a "stress hormone" called cortisol. This hormone makes us feel more hungry, especially toward high-sugar and high-fat foods. This is why we feel hungry during times of stress. Cravings for chips, chocolate, and other "comfort foods" are at their peak.

2. Stress and Energy Consumption:

During stress, our body goes into "fight or flight" mode, increasing our energy consumption. As a result, we feel more hungry and start eating more. This increases our calorie consumption and if we have the habit of not taking care of it, we can gain weight.

3. Stress and lack of sleep:

Stress can also affect sleep, which can increase your weight. Lack of sleep decreases the levels of leptin (an appetite-regulating hormone) and increases the levels of ghrelin (an appetite-stimulating hormone). This makes you feel more hungry and you start eating more.

4. Stress and lack of exercise:

When we are under stress our priorities change. We often choose to avoid exercising due to lack of time and energy. Lack of exercise decreases our calorie consumption, and if we eat more, we can gain weight.

5. Stress and lack of good diet decisions:

During stress, our ability to make the right dietary decisions reduces. We often choose sugary and fatty foods over healthy foods.

Due to all these reasons, stress can affect our weight. Therefore, it is important to find appropriate ways to manage your stress. Meditation, yoga, proper sleep, healthy eating, and regular exercise can all help you control your stress and keep your weight balanced.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, please take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)

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