Vitamin C Rich Foods: Vitamin C is very important for the proper functioning of our body, if there is a deficiency of it in the body then immunity will become weak and the risk of many viral diseases will increase. Generally, orange is considered a rich source of Vitamin C. If you eat a medium-sized orange, you will get up to 70 mg of this nutrient. A healthy adult male needs 90 mg daily, while a healthy female needs 75 mg every day. But do you know that there are many other natural sources in which more Vitamin C is found than oranges? Let's take a look at these.


Kiwi is a very nutritious fruit. It is rich in fiber which improves the digestive system. With the help of this fruit, heart health also improves. If you eat 2 kiwis, you will get about 137 mg of Vitamin C, which is much more than the daily requirement.


Papaya is full of essential nutrients. A strong antioxidant is found in this fruit which can help in reducing the risk of many diseases. One cup of chopped papaya contains 88 mg of vitamin C. This is a common fruit which should be eaten regularly.


Capsicum is an important part of our kitchen, with its help the taste of many recipes is enhanced. If you eat one medium-sized red capsicum, you will get 152 grams of Vitamin C. With its help, immunity will increase significantly.


Guava is a very tasty fruit in which many types of nutrients are found. If you eat one medium-sized guava, you will get approximately 125 grams of Vitamin C. Eating this fruit will not only improve your immunity but your blood sugar level will also be maintained and there will be no problem in digestion.


Pineapple is a very juicy fruit and it contains digestive enzymes. It can help in boosting immunity and reduce inflammation. Pineapples are full of vitamin B6, potassium, copper, and thiamine. 79 mg of vitamin C is found in one cup of chopped pineapple.