Eating Potato Daily Health Benefits: Vegetables cannot be imagined without 'potato' in India. Potato is such a vegetable that it can be made alone as well as mixed with any other vegetable. But the potatoes you eat are healthy. There is always confusion about the healthy diet of potatoes. Since there are a lot of carbohydrates in potatoes, people believe that it increases blood sugar and weight. But what is the real truth? Let's know.

TOI's news has quoted experts as saying that potatoes are healthy and full of nutrients. It also contains fiber, potassium, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin 6. Despite this, why do some people consider potatoes unhealthy? According to experts, the reason for this is the way of cooking potatoes.

If you deep fry potatoes then it becomes unhealthy. That's why french fry becomes an unhealthy potato and it can cause many diseases. If you want to eat potatoes healthily, either boil them or cook them or bake them. Its nutritional value is not destroyed even by light frying.

Is it harmful to eat potatoes daily? According to experts, if potatoes are cooked healthily, then there is no harm in it. Blood pressure remains under control by eating it daily. The fiber and potassium present in it are beneficial for health.

Does eating potatoes lead to weight gain? The answer is also the same. If you cook potatoes in the right way and their nutritional value is not destroyed, then it will not increase your weight. Yes, eating too much can lead to weight gain.

By eating potatoes, energy is supplied to our bodies. Potatoes contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which produce instant energy and is very important for the mind and body. People who exercise need more carbohydrates. At the same time, carbohydrate is also necessary for better digestion.

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