Are Dates Good For Diabetic Patients: Dates are a very tasty fruit, people like to eat them in every season, but it is especially consumed in winter because of their warming effect. Due to its nutritional value, health experts often recommend eating it. Since it is a sweet fruit, diabetic patients often have this confusion about whether they can eat it, if yes, then in what quantity. For this we talked to the famous dietician Ayushi Yadav, she told that since dates are very high in fiber, it is the best fruit for diabetic patients.

Nutrients found in dates

There is no shortage of nutrients in dates. Apart from dietary fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Niacin, Iron, and Potassium are found in plenty in it. That's why it is very beneficial for health.

Why is date beneficial in diabetes?

The dietary fiber found in dates slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of sugar spikes. If dates are eaten with one or two types of dry fruits, then there is no feeling of hunger for a long time, and the risk of obesity also reduces.

How many dates should a diabetic patient eat in a day?

Dates are low in glycemic index, in such a situation, there is no sudden increase in blood sugar after eating them. Diabetes patients can eat 2 dates comfortably in a day, but if their medical condition is not good, then the quantity should be decided only on the advice of the doctor. If you eat it mixed with oats or quinoa, you will get more fiber.

Other benefits of eating dates

- The magnesium present in dates strengthens the bones.

There is no problem related to digestion by eating dates.

- People who have complaints of high blood pressure must eat dates

- Eating dates boosts immunity

- Helps in reducing weight.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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