You must be aware of the increasing blood pressure i.e. high blood pressure. This is the 'silent killer' that attacks your health secretly and before you realize it, it is too late. But do you know that 30 percent of people in India aged between 18 to 54 years never got their blood pressure checked? Yes, this shocking revelation has been made in a recent report by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

A new study conducted by the National Center for Disease Informatics and Research (ICMR-NCDIR) of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) finds that 30% of people aged 18 to 54 in India have never had their blood pressure measured. Is. This study has recently been published in the International Journal of Public Health.

Results of the study:

According to the study, the situation is slightly better in the states of South India. 76% of the people there have measured their blood pressure at some point or the other. Among these, Lakshadweep (91%), Kerala (89%), Tamil Nadu (83%) and Puducherry (83%) are at the forefront. At the same time, in North India, this figure is only 70%. Additionally, fewer people have their blood pressure measured in Madhya Pradesh (62.4%) and Chhattisgarh (62%), while the situation is similar in Odisha (56%) and Jharkhand (60%). The same has been seen in Gujarat (58%) in the west and Nagaland (58%) in the northeast.

Problems due to high BP:

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), high blood pressure means that the blood flow in the veins is fast. Doctors say that high blood pressure can cause serious diseases like heart attack, brain stroke, and kidney damage in the long run. The study also found that the rate of pre-hypertension (early high blood pressure) in the country is up to 34% in different districts. Pre-hypertension is a condition where blood pressure is slightly higher than normal but does not yet fall into the category of high blood pressure.

Get your BP checked regularly.

This study indicates that people in India need to increase their health awareness. It is very important to get blood pressure checked regularly, especially for people above 40 years of age. Also, the risk of high blood pressure can be reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

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