How To Reduce Belly Fat: Most people want to look slim and trim, but belly fat destroys all desires, in such a situation, you have to drink 2 types of drinks at night, the effect of which is visible in a few days. Will start coming

Fenugreek Tea And Turmeric Milk: Losing weight is not easy for any person, for this one has to resort to a strict diet and heavy exercise, sometimes despite all the efforts the fat around the stomach and waist does not reduce, then understand That we must be making some or the other mistake in daily life. Very few people are aware that weight gain also depends on what and how much is eaten for dinner. If you eat a full or high-calorie diet at night, then you are making a big mistake. Due to this, belly fat increases rapidly.

Weight increases due to this mistake

According to India's famous nutrition expert Nikhil Vats, if you are serious about reducing your weight, then eat 2 hours before sleeping at night, because sleeping immediately after eating is not good for your health. Apart from this, you have to consume some such drinks which can help you in losing weight.

Drink these drinks at night to lose weight

1. Milk with turmeric

Many medicinal properties are found in turmeric, so it is often advised to use this spice. On the other hand, milk is called a complete diet because almost all types of nutrients are found in it. The combination of these two is very helpful in reducing weight. That's why drink turmeric milk at night.

2. Fenugreek tea

If you want to get a flat tummy, start drinking fenugreek tea from today at night. When you eat a lot of food at night, then better digestion is needed, in this case, fenugreek tea can reduce weight by improving digestion. For this, put one spoon of fenugreek in a glass of water and leave it to soak overnight. Filter this water in the morning and drink it after heating it a little at night. Its effect will be visible in a few days

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general knowledge. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)