Belly Fat Exercise: Today's lifestyle is such that most people do not get time to exercise. Here we will tell you about some such exercises, which exercises you can do while lying on the bed? By which you can reduce your weight easily.

How To Lose Belly Fat: Today's lifestyle is such that most people do not get time to exercise. Because of this, their weight starts increasing. Especially fat starts accumulating near the stomach, which seems very difficult to reduce. If you are also thinking of losing weight, then there is no need to worry because here we will tell you about some exercises that you can do in bed. Which exercises can you do while lying down? By doing this you can reduce your weight easily.

Do this work on the bed, belly fat will disappear-

windshield wiper-

By doing this exercise, the fat of the leg and thigh is reduced. At the same time, belly fat also disappears. To do this, just lie on the bed, and keep both legs at a 90-degree angle. After that move, it left and right like a wiper. Please tell that do this exercise only for a short time in the beginning. Doing this will completely benefit you.

Leg Raise -

This exercise is to increase the strength of the legs. But it also affects belly fat. At the same time, there is tension in the abdominal muscles while lifting the legs. Due to this their fat burns. To do this exercise, lie straight on the bed. Now join the legs together and raise them upwards. Make an angle of 45 while lifting the leg. Now lift the leg and hold it for about two to three minutes and then for 5 minutes. While gradually increasing the time, do it for 15 minutes.


Crunches work to reduce your belly fat fast. To do this, lie down straight. Then keep the hands behind the head and raise the body half by keeping the feet at 45 degrees. By doing this, belly fat will reduce rapidly.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)