Arthritis Pain Relief Tips in Monsoon: Sometimes it is hot and sometimes it is rainy season during monsoon. During this, there is stiffness in the body and joint pain i.e. arthritis increases. Arthritis is also called the pain of arthritis in the native language. This pain can occur on the joints of any part of the body. Although this pain can happen to people of any age, but people above 40 years of age have more problems. The reason for this can be obesity, smoking, injury, infection or old age. Today we are going to tell you 5 such great remedies, by adopting which you can get relief from arthritis pain in rainy season. Let us know what those measures are.

Arthritis Pain Relief Tips in Rain

Cold and hot fomentation

To get rid of joint pain in rainy days, foment with ice or hot water bottle. Both these remedies are very beneficial. This gives a lot of relief in arthritis pain.

Contol the weight

The major reason for the occurrence and increase of arthritis pain is the increasing body weight. So keep your weight balanced. By not doing this, the weight of the body starts falling on the joints and pain starts.

Keep taking medicines on time

If you are already taking medicines for the pain of arthritis , then keep taking them regularly and also see the doctor in between. Do not try to start or stop medicines on your own.

Always keep yourself active

The best way to avoid Arthritis Pain Relief Tips in Rain is to always keep yourself physically active. For this, exercise regularly and walk for 20 minutes daily. Avoid exercising in moist places.

Keep the body hydrated

The problem of Arthritis Pain Relief Tips in Rain increases when there is a lack of water in the body. For this, one should keep drinking water regularly. When the level of water and lubrication in the body is balanced, the pain of arthritis is reduced.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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