How to control high blood pressure: The disease of blood pressure is considered very fatal, but by including some things in your diet, you can get relief from this problem, first of all, you should be physically active, this will give you relief from this problem. According to doctors, if the problem of blood pressure is not controlled, it can take the form of heart disease, hence you can reduce this disease by including some easy things in your diet.

Let us know what things should be consumed during high blood pressure which will benefit you.

wheatgrass juice

If you often have the problem of high blood pressure, then you should consume wheatgrass juice regularly, it will benefit you.


You can easily use garlic in vegetables, you can also eat it regularly with hot water, and you will get relief.


You must include yogurt in your diet, it keeps blood pressure under control, and huge amounts of calcium, magnesium, and potassium are found in curd.

coconut water

In case of blood pressure problems, you must consume coconut water, potassium and electrolytes are found in abundance in it, and this will benefit you a lot.


Very few people know that blood pressure remains under control by consuming chili, hence you must include chili in your diet.

Green vegetables

Vegetables are available in large quantities in the winter season, hence you can control blood pressure by consuming green vegetables like spinach and fenugreek.


You will easily get carrots in both seasons, be it winter or summer. In such a situation, you can control blood pressure by consuming carrot juice or raw carrots.

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