Vastu Shastra has a very important place in human life because in Vastu Shastra many rules and remedies have been given regarding every little thing related to human life. In Vastu Shastra, many rules and measures have been given regarding our house as well. According to Vastu Shastra, it has been told that positive energy is transmitted by planting trees and plants in the house and the grace of Goddess Lakshmi also remains, so today through this article, we will tell you some trees and plants to plant at home according to Vastu Shastra. If you plant those in the right direction in your house, then there will be happiness and prosperity in the house, let us know which trees and plants are considered auspicious to plant in the house. Let's know -

* Must plant money plant in the house:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that a plant of money plant must be planted in the house because the plant of money plant is believed to be related to the planet Venus. That's why in the house where this plant is there, Mother Lakshmi ji resides there and there is always happiness and prosperity in the house. It is also said about the money plant that the faster the money plant grows, the faster your house starts growing, but while planting this plant, keep in mind that this plant should always be in the fire angle i.e. South. It should be in the east direction only.

* Bamboo plant:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is considered auspicious to plant a bamboo plant ie bamboo plant in the house. By planting it, there are never any financial problems in the house and there is always an atmosphere of happiness in the family. Along with this, it has been told in Vastu Shastra that By planting a bamboo plant, there is always progress in the house, but while planting this plant, keep in mind that this plant should always be planted in the north direction of the house.

* Shami plant:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that it is auspicious to plant a Shami plant in the house, in the house where this plant is planted, there will always be happiness and prosperity and there will always be an increase in wealth. Regarding this plant, it is believed that by regularly worshiping Shami's plant, all the problems of the house start to go away, but while planting this plant, keep in mind that this plant should always be on the right side of the main gate of the house.

* Dub plant:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is considered very auspicious to plant a plant of dub at home. It is believed that the greener the leaves of this plant are, the more happiness starts coming into the house, but while planting this plant, keep in mind that this plant should always be in the east or north direction of the house. It should be engaged, along with this, also take special care that water should be given regularly in it. The drying of which plant can have negative effects on your home.