Worship Utensils Cleaning Tips: If the utensils of worship are kept clean then there will be purity in the mind as well. You don't have to worry about this, you can shine it like new at home.

How to Clean Worship Utensils Easily: It is very important to take care of cleanliness during worship, but often our attention does not go to the fact that the copper, brass, and steel utensils used in this holy work have turned black... Dishwash liquid is usually used to polish these utensils, but this does not give the desired results, as the black marks remain. If you want to clean it then no need to take it to the market. This work at home can be done in a jiffy. Use some kitchen items for this.

Clean the utensils of worship with the help of these things

1. Baking Powder

Baking powder is used to clean many things, you can also clean the utensils of worship with the help of this. Mix baking powder and washing powder in water in a tub and dissolve it and leave the utensil to soak overnight. After waking up in the morning, clean it with the help of a scrub.

2. Tamarind

You use tamarind to make food spicy, but do you know that copper and brass utensils can also be cleaned with its help? Soak tamarind in water and then mash it to make a paste. Now apply the paste on the utensils and wash them by rubbing them lightly. This will make them like new.

3. White vinegar

White vinegar has cleaning properties, mix 2 teaspoons of white vinegar in a glass of water and boil it on the gas. Now mix detergent in it. Now with the help of this, the worship utensils will be rubbed, then their shine will come back.

4. Salt and Lemon

A mixture of salt and lemon acts as a cleaning agent. Mix lemon juice and salt in a bowl. Now apply this mixture to the dirty utensil with the help of a brush and leave it for a while. Finally, wash it with warm water and clean it.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)