World Vegan Day 2023: When it comes to food, no one can keep Indians away from cheese, butter, ghee and chicken. If you do not eat chicken or meat, you will find many options in Indian food. However, if you want to follow a vegan diet, it may be a little difficult.

Difficult because vegan diet does not include all the things that come from animals, which also includes dairy products . But don't worry, because we can help you with this. So let us know what could be the vegan alternative to your favorite food?

How to include vegan food in Indian diet?

What to eat instead of mutton?

Indian cuisine includes many delicious dishes like mutton curry, chicken kebab, biryani. Not only are they rich in taste, but they also contain many nutrients like protein and fiber.

If you want to remove meat from your diet by following a vegan diet, then you can include Kathal or Soya Chaap in its place. Both these things not only look like meat, but the taste is also very similar. Especially since it contains as many nutrients as meat.

What to eat instead of cheese?

As you know that vegan diet does not include any kind of dairy product, hence cheese cannot be eaten. But you will get the option of cheese in almost every city of the country . Yes, we are talking about tofu. Tofu is made from soy, which is rich in protein. Besides, its taste is also quite similar to that of cheese.

What can be an alternative to milk?

You may have been drinking milk since childhood, but many types of milk alternatives are also available to us since childhood, which need to be paid attention to now. We are talking about coconut and soy milk. Coconut milk is used to enhance the taste of many Indian dishes. Apart from this, you can also use almond milk.

Is there an alternative to curd?

Have you tried vegan yogurt yet? If not, it's time to try it. All you have to do is use almonds, peanuts or rice instead of cow or buffalo milk. If you want, Kadhi, Lassi, Buttermilk and many more can be prepared from it.

What can be eaten instead of fish?

Fish is an important food in many states of India, because it is easily available in these areas and many types of nutrients are also found in it. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which benefit health in many ways. If you are looking for a vegan alternative to fish, you can include chickpeas and kidney beans in your diet. Both these things are easily available across the country and they also contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, always consult your doctor.

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