Vrat Recipe: The festival of Navratri is celebrated with great pomp in the country. During this, the devotees of Mata keep fast for the whole 9 days. In such a situation, if you are also going to observe Navratri fast, then you can include some things in your fast food plate.

Vrat Recipe For Navratri: The festival of Navratri is celebrated with great pomp in the country. At the same time, this time the festival of Navratri is going to start on March 22. During this, the devotees of Mata fast for the whole 9 days. can do. This is because keeping fast for 9 days can make you feel weak. That's why you should take special care of your health. Let us tell you here what things you should consume.

Eat these things during the fast -

Makhana Kheer -

At the time of fasting, there is a desire to eat sweets. In such a situation, you can make Makhana Kheer and eat it. Makhana is rich in antioxidants, iron, and nutrients. Along with giving energy to the body, it also controls blood sugar levels and weight. At the same time, tell them that if they consume makhani kheer during fasting, there is no fear of weight gain.

Water chestnut samosa -

People who like fast food can eat water chestnut samosa during the fast. You can make samosas stuffed with potatoes or dry fruits and eat them with coriander chutney. Water chestnut flour contains elements of fiber, protein, copper, and vitamin B6, which also help in controlling your blood pressure, so you can eat things made from water chestnut during fasting.

Sago Khichdi-

Sago khichdi contains carbohydrate which keeps your body full of energy. Sago contains elements like protein, fiber, and zinc, which give energy to the body.

Banana lassi-

Bananas and walnut lassi can prove to be an energy drink for you during fasting. That's why banana lassi can be consumed during fasting.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)