Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty is in the news these days for her upcoming web series 'Indian Police Force'. The trailer of this series has been released recently, in which Shilpa Shetty's tremendous action avatar has been seen. Everyone is stunned to see Shilpa Shetty's fitness even at the age of 48. Shilpa Shetty is seen in the role of a police officer in the trailer. She is seen chasing a dangerous gangster. Shilpa Shetty had taken rigorous training for several weeks for this series. She used to work out in the gym for hours every day. Let us know how Shilpa has maintained her fitness even at the age of 48.

Regular exercise

Shilpa Shetty exercises regularly. She exercises for at least 30 minutes every day. Her exercise routine includes cardio, strength training and yoga. She often goes to the gym and exercises under the supervision of a trainer.

Healthy Diet

Shilpa Shetty takes a healthy diet. She includes things rich in protein, fiber and vitamins in her diet. She stays away from junk food, processed food and sugar. Shilpa drinks at least 8 glasses of water daily.


Shilpa Shetty considers yoga an important part of her fitness. She does yoga daily. Yoga helps in keeping them physically and mentally healthy. After yoga, Shilpa likes to take protein shake.

Positive thinking

Shilpa Shetty believes that positive thinking is also important for fitness. She always tries to be happy and focused on her goals.

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