Rakshabandhan Special Sweet Dish: The festival of Rakshabandhan is about to come in just a few days. In such a situation, sisters get involved in festivals. This festival is for sisters and brothers. There is a belief in Puranas that Mother Parvati had tied a thread of protection on Lord Vishnu's wrist and made him her brother. Since then this festival has started being celebrated. Sisters also feed sweets to brothers at this festival. Of course, these sweets come from the market only, because the women of the house do not have enough time to make them at home. That's why we have to depend on the market.

But this time in Raksha Bandhan, we will tell you about a very tasty and minute recipe. On this festival of Rakhi, you can make sweet vermicelli for your dear brother. Homemade vermicelli will have a taste as well as be pure. If you want, you can also make it in the microwave. Let's learn the method of making sweet vermicelli on the special occasion of Rakshabandhan...

Ingredients for making vermicelli -

150 grams of vermicelli,

Half a liter of milk,

One cup of sugar,

Half a cup of water,

A little chironji

Cardamom powder

4 to 5 strands of saffron (soaked in milk),

A small bowl of chopped dry fruits (almonds, cashews, pistachios) for Garnish

Method of making vermicelli-

1. To make vermicelli, first you have to put a pan on the gas. Put some ghee in it, add cardamom seeds, and fry the vermicelli lightly.

2. After this, put half a liter of milk in a pan and put it on the gas to thicken. After a while, add roasted vermicelli to it.

3. When this mixture starts getting a little thick, slowly add all the chopped dry fruits in it and stir well.

4. Let the vermicelli cook well. If the milk has become too thick then add some water.

5. Now add sugar to it and mix it well.

6. After some time put chironji in it.

7. Now put saffron and cardamom powder soaked in milk on top of it. Cover the pan for a few seconds.

8. Now turn off the gas. Your tasty vermicelli is ready. Garnish it with dry fruits and serve hot or cold.

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