ADHD: Everyone knows that children are naughty. If children don't do mischief in childhood, when will they? But if your child does more mischief then it is not a matter to be ignored. Your child may be battling a mental health disorder. This disease is known as ADHD. That is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurological disorder. Its symptoms start appearing at a young age, usually at the age of 7 years. Let us know what are its symptoms and how it can be treated. Everything in detail...

What is ADHD?

ADHD children have problems concentrating, remembering something, sitting in one place, and walking properly and children also have problems befriending others, and mixing with others. According to the doctor, this problem is seen more in such families, where there is an atmosphere of tension in the house, or there is more emphasis on studies on the children. On the other hand, boys have more problems than girls. Many times this problem becomes so much that it becomes difficult for both the teacher and the parent to teach something to the children. Such children are unable to fit in with other children. They keep on doing one mischief or the other.

Symptoms of ADHD?

Don't sit still

Fiddling with one's seat

Ignore anything

Don't be quiet at all

Talking too much

Meddle in others' affairs

Getting distracted easily

Witch between tasks


Throw things

Do not finish work

Having trouble remembering things

Causes of ADHD?

Nothing specific is known about the cause of this disease. But according to preliminary research, doctors believe that the reason for having ADHD may be genetic, the brain may not develop properly during pregnancy, other than this there may be reasons like brain changes, brain injury, and premature delivery.

What is its treatment?

There is no test for this disease. This disease is detected only based on behavior. If you feel that your child also has ADHD then you should contact the doctor immediately. Medicines are given when the treatment of the child starts. Along with this, behavioral treatment is also done.

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