Iron deficiency in women during pregnancy: Women often suffer from iron deficiency during pregnancy. Most women suffer from this problem. When there is not enough iron in your body, iron deficiency or anemia occurs. This situation is harmful for the proper development of the baby in the womb. This may put the baby at risk of low birth weight. Premature birth may occur. There may be a higher risk of perinatal mortality. Nutritionist Lavneet Batra, in a post on her Instagram account, has mentioned some foods which provide plenty of iron to the body. Let us know what are those things which pregnant women must include in their daily diet.


According to nutritionist Lavneet Batra, women should regularly include those things in their diet, which do not allow anemia in the body. For this, consuming ragi, amaranth, pomegranate, beetroot, tamarind pulp, moth beans etc. can avoid becoming a victim of anemia. This way there will be no harm to you and the baby during pregnancy. Whatever you eat, it is very important how your body absorbs it. In such a situation, eat iron-rich foods in combination with vitamin C like orange, capsicum, strawberry. This ensures proper iron absorption.


Ragi: Ragi is a very beneficial coarse grain. Rich in minerals, Ragi contains high amounts of calcium, iron, fiber, protein, potassium etc. You can make pudding and roti from ragi flour and eat it. With this, there will be no iron deficiency in the body of women. Consumption of Ragi can prevent diabetes, cholesterol, heart diseases etc. By consuming it, weight also remains under control, because a lot of fiber is also found in it.


Pomegranate: Pomegranate is a very wonderful and beneficial fruit, which benefits health in many ways. It contains iron, calcium, healthy fat, protein, potassium, folate, fiber etc., which are essential for a healthy body. Iron, folate and fiber must be consumed during pregnancy. Whether you eat pomegranate seeds or drink its juice, there will never be iron deficiency in the body.


Beetroot: Iron is the most blood enhancing nutrient present in beetroot. By drinking beetroot juice regularly, you will never suffer from iron deficiency. Consume it by adding it to salad or prepare juice and drink it. The child will also develop properly.


Moth Beans: Moth is a legume, which is rich in calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates, iron and vitamins. Make pulses from moth beans, eat them sprouted, add them to salad, eat them boiled, in every way the body will get adequate amount of iron.


Amaranth: Amaranth is also called Rajgira. Amaranth is rich in iron, fiber, zinc, calcium, vitamin A and C. By consuming it there is no iron deficiency in the body. By consuming it, heart disease, bone disease, digestive problems, swelling problems etc. can be avoided. Amaranth is naturally rich in antioxidants. Eat laddu, puri, roti, halwa, porridge etc. prepared from amaranth flour, immunity will also be boosted.

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